We work with various third parties to bring you a range of products and services, which are complimentary to ours. By way of an example, Daimler Truck Financial Services as well as Mercedes‑Benz AG and its affiliates are considered a third party in this context. Our websites may also contain an offer of third parties. If you click on such an offer, we transfer data to the respective provider to the required extent (e.g. information that you have found this offer with us and, if applicable, further information that you have already provided on our websites for this purpose).
When you visit our websites, the social plug-ins are deactivated, i.e. no data is transmitted to the operators of these networks. If you want to use one of the networks, click on the respective social plug-in to establish a direct connection to the server of the respective network. If you have a user account on the network and are logged in when you activate the social plug-in, the network can associate your visit to our websites with your user account. If you want to avoid this, please log out of the network before activating the social plug-in. A social network cannot associate a visit to other Daimler websites until you have activated an existing social plug-in. When you activate a social plug-in, the network transfers the content that becomes available directly to your browser, which integrates it into our websites. In this situation, data transmissions can also take place that are initiated and controlled by the respective social network. Your connection to a social network, the data transfers taking place between the network and your system, and your interactions on that platform are governed solely by the privacy policies of that network. The social plug-in remains active until you deactivate it or delete your cookies. If you click on the link to an offer or activate a social plug-in, personal data may reach providers in countries outside the European Economic Area that, from the point of view of the European Union ("EU"), may not guarantee an "adequate level of protection" for the processing of personal data in accordance with EU standards. Please remember this fact before clicking on a link or activating a social plug-in and thereby triggering a transfer of your data.
We also use qualified service providers (e.g., IT service providers, marketing agencies) to operate, optimise and secure our websites. We only pass on personal data to the latter insofar as this is necessary for the provision and use of the website and its functionalities, for the pursuit of legitimate interests, to comply with legal obligations, or insofar as you have consented to. You will find more information regarding recipients of personal data in our consent management system.
We want the content of our websites to match your preferences closely, thereby improving what we offer you. To identify popular areas of our websites, we use Matomo Analytics. If you do not wish us to use this tool to collect and analyse information about your visit to our websites, you may indicate this by not accepting all cookies.